Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Dustin Cummings

Pastor Dustin Cummings was born and raised in Clinton, Utah by loving, Christian parents, who taught him about Jesus and the gospel.  As a youth, however, Dustin succumbed to his rebellious spirit and quickly became immersed in crime, alcohol, and drugs, which eventually led to prison time.  Throughout this troubled period, more than a decade, Dustin’s parents and their church faithfully and constantly prayed for him.  God answered their prayers when, during a lonely night in prison, Dustin read the Billy Graham tract, “How to get to Heaven.”  Full of remorse and with true repentance, Dustin gave his life to Jesus and soon became infatuated with studying the Bible, seeking the wisdom and knowledge of God.

In 2000, Dustin moved to Washington State and met Angela, his wonderful wife of 20+ years, and soon after began attending Calvary Church of Port Orchard.  In 2021, he resigned from his job in Seattle to serve full time as Associate Pastor.

Pastor Dustin and Angela have raised six children and are joyfully serving the Lord in these last days under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  Dustin says, “Jesus brought me from a destitute life controlled by evil to a liberated life with the total freedom that is only found in Jesus.”