Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

The goal of CCPO Children’s Ministry is to support parents in raising children who will receive Jesus as their personal Savior and grow in their faith as they mature.

To this end, we provide age-appropriate child care and instruction during the Sunday service for infants through age 10.   We use Bible-based curriculum that emphasizes the Gospel and Christian growth.

Older students, ages 11-12/13, meet every other week in our “Tween” class.  The two-year curriculum helps equip students to defend the truth of God’s Word in a society that is increasingly hostile to Him.  We provide a big picture overview of the entire Bible with evidence about its reliability and show how scientific evidence supports the biblical account of a young earth creation and a global flood.

Other annual children’s events include Vacation Bible School, a pancake breakfast and an End-of-Summer celebration.

Our prayer is that CCPO children’s ministries will draw students to Jesus Christ and help them stand firm in their faith as they progress to adulthood.