Raised in an unbelieving home, Pastor Kevin Lea came to faith as a young sailor in the U.S. nuclear navy during the “Jesus Movement” of the 1970’s. Pastor Kevin relates, “At once, Jesus began changing my life, replacing an attitude of sin with a desire to serve the God who saved me. I also felt a calling to spread the gospel as far and wide as I could.” He immediately fell in love with studying the Bible, embracing the Scriptures as God’s true revelation and source of all that we need to live in harmony with our Creator.
After the navy and now with his wife, Juanita and two children in tow, Kevin attended Calvary Chapel Bible School in Twin Peaks, California. They then moved to Washington State where Kevin worked for 13 years as a nuclear engineering technician at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton while serving actively in his local church. He was ordained as a pastor and started a church plant in Port Orchard, Washington in 1993, resigning from the Shipyard in 1995 to serve as the church’s full-time pastor.
Pastor Kevin’s zeal is to reach the lost with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ and to build up believers through the teaching of the Scriptures, verse by verse. He is also a fervent apologist for a literal, six-day creation and global flood and draws on his technical expertise to combat the lies of evolution and the associated false interpretations of scientific evidence in the church and at various creation ministry events around the country.
Pastor Kevin and Juanita, his wife of 49 years, have two grown sons, six grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.
“It has been a joy to serve Jesus for these many years, in and out of full-time ministry. I have seen His power save and change so many lives, testifying to the fact that He is alive and gives life to all those who repent and call upon Jesus to save them from sin. I hope that the ministry of Calvary Church of Port Orchard will help you become a biblical Christian, grow in your faith, and walk with Jesus until He comes again.”