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Jeremiah 31:18-40
Topical study of the prophetic timeline pertaining to the last days Drawing from Daniel Chapters 7 and 9, the Book of Revelation, and other Scriptures, Pastor Kevin reviews what the Bible reveals to us about the last days, including formation of the final world empire and rise of a global leader, the Antichrist. We see that it has been only within the…
After much discussion with Paul and Barnabas “declaring how many miracles and wonders God had worked through them among the Gentiles” (Acts 15:12 NKJV), James, the half-brother of Jesus and leader of the church in Jerusalem, issues the final decree on the question of whether Gentiles need to convert to Judaism to be saved. Quoting the prophet Amos and under the inspiration of…
Having returned to their home base in Antioch of Syria after completing their first missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas now confront men who came from Jerusalem to teach the new Gentile converts, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved” (Acts 15:1 NKJV). Understanding the urgency of this question – “Must Gentiles become Jews to be saved?” – Paul…
Jeremiah 31:1-18