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God’s Laws on Loving Your Neighbor – Exodus 21:20-22:15

In our study today, Pastor Kevin expounds on laws governing a variety of situations likely to occur in ancient Israel, including: physical altercations between people resulting in injury or death; relationships between masters and their slaves; injuries to or caused by one’s animals; theft; and misuse of another’s property.  While the skeptic mocks the Bible, Pastor…

Prophecy Update 2023/24, The Importance of Prophecy in Our Day and Who has the Right to the Land of Israel?

On this New Year’s Eve, 31 December 2023, Pastor Kevin reviews current events and their significance in light of Bible prophecy, with focus on the Jewish people and the land of Israel.  Why do we believe the Bible literally?  What prophecies have already been fulfilled, and what must still occur before Jesus returns, according to Scripture?  Based on what we have seen…