Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Sermons by Pastor Kevin Lea (Page 19)

You Shall Not Follow a Crowd to Do Evil – Exodus 22:16-23:3

In our study today, Pastor Kevin expounds on additional laws governing life in ancient Israel, laws designed by God to help maintain a just and civil society, and to preserve the Jews as His witness people and ultimately to be the people through whom Messiah Jesus would come.  Laws addressed in today’s passage include those that helped protect women from male assault,…

God’s Laws on Loving Your Neighbor – Exodus 21:20-22:15

In our study today, Pastor Kevin expounds on laws governing a variety of situations likely to occur in ancient Israel, including: physical altercations between people resulting in injury or death; relationships between masters and their slaves; injuries to or caused by one’s animals; theft; and misuse of another’s property.  While the skeptic mocks the Bible, Pastor…