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"Isaiah 17" Tagged Sermons

Prophecy Update 2023/24, The Importance of Prophecy in Our Day and Who has the Right to the Land of Israel?

On this New Year’s Eve, 31 December 2023, Pastor Kevin reviews current events and their significance in light of Bible prophecy, with focus on the Jewish people and the land of Israel.  Why do we believe the Bible literally?  What prophecies have already been fulfilled, and what must still occur before Jesus returns, according to Scripture?  Based on what we have seen…

The Jews Praise God for Their Deliverance from the Egyptians – Exodus 15:1-27

Exodus 15 begins with the Israelites singing songs of praise to the Lord for their miraculous deliverance them from slavery in Egypt and concludes, three days later, with these same people complaining to Moses about the lack of drinking water.  The bitter waters of Marah was the third of God’s ten wilderness tests, all designed to train the Israelites to trust Him…

Middle East Update on the Day after the Hamas invasion of Israel – October 8, 2023

Following our morning service in Exodus 13-14 (the Parting of the Red Sea), Pastor Kevin provided the congregation with an hour-long update about the first Israeli declared war since 1973.  This declaration of war was the result of the Hamas invasion of Israel on Saturday, October 7, 2023, which was within a day of being fifty years after the surprise attack against…

The Ukraine-Russia Conflict – A Prophetic Look with Q&A Session – February 27, 2022

This topical teaching by Pastor Kevin was given during a Sunday night service on the week that Russian troops entered Ukraine. Pastor Kevin gives the history leading up to this war starting in 1954 when the USSR gave Crimea to Ukraine (also part of the USSR at the time). The western media says that this attack by Russia was unprovoked. Is this…