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"last days" Tagged Sermons

Charlie Campbell – Ten Major Events in Bible Prophecy

Guest Speaker Mr. Charlie Campbell presents a concise, clear overview of ten major events in End Times Bible prophecy: Societal degeneration the Rapture the Believer’s Day of Rewards the Tribulation the Invasion of Ezekiel 38–39 the Battle of Armageddon the Second Coming of Christ the 1,000-year Reign of Christ the Great White Throne Judgment Eternity in New Jerusalem After teaching this at…

Prophecy Timeline Update – How Close are we to the Last Days – Topical

Topical study of the prophetic timeline pertaining to the last days Drawing from Daniel Chapters 7 and 9, the Book of Revelation, and other Scriptures, Pastor Kevin reviews what the Bible reveals to us about the last days, including formation of the final world empire and rise of a global leader, the Antichrist.  We see that it has been only within the…

Prophecy Update 2023/24, The Importance of Prophecy in Our Day and Who has the Right to the Land of Israel?

On this New Year’s Eve, 31 December 2023, Pastor Kevin reviews current events and their significance in light of Bible prophecy, with focus on the Jewish people and the land of Israel.  Why do we believe the Bible literally?  What prophecies have already been fulfilled, and what must still occur before Jesus returns, according to Scripture?  Based on what we have seen…