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"Paul" Tagged Sermons (Page 5)

God Uses Peter to Raise Tabitha from the Dead – Acts 9:21-42

Today’s study examines various passages in Acts and Paul’s epistles to learn about the major events in Paul’s life from his conversion on the road to Damascus until he was arrested in Jerusalem at the completion of his third missionary journey, about 23 years later.   First, the radically converted Saul preaches Jesus in Damascus, before and after going to Arabia, then for a…

Saul of Tarsus the Murderer Becomes Paul the Apostle – Acts 9:1-20

In Acts 9, we read how the resurrected Jesus encountered Saul of Tarsus while on his way to arrest Christians living in Damascus.  As a result, this zealous Pharisee and foremost persecutor of the Jerusalem Christians was radically and forever changed from Saul of Tarsus, the Murderer, to Paul the Apostle.  “Immediately he preached the Christ in the synagogues, that He is…

Therefore Those Who Were Scattered Went Everywhere Preaching the Word – Acts 8:1-40

In this teaching, we learn how Stephen’s martyrdom began a frenzy of Christian persecution to which God used as a launching pad to spread the Gospel outside the city of Jerusalem to Samaria and Judea. Persecution divides the church necessarily cutting away the dross and strengthening what is left.  In the fury of persecution in which Saul of Tarsus played a leading role,…

They Did Not Cease Teaching and Preaching Jesus – Acts 5:34-7:60

In today’s passage, we see the Apostles appointing spirit-filled men to serve (Greek – deacon) the growing church by solving a dispute about equitable food distribution to both Hebrew-speaking and Greek-speaking widows.  Taking this dispute off the Apostles plate allowed them to give themselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.  The example of servants being used to free…