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"Sabbath" Tagged Sermons

They Shall Not Dwell in Your Land – Exodus 23:14-33

Pastor Kevin continues his exposition of laws governing life in ancient Israel.  Today’s passage addresses practical applications of loving your neighbor; justice for the poor as well as the rich; bribery; protection of non-Jews living in or passing through Israel; the sabbath for the land; provision for the impoverished; the sabbath day; the three annual feasts for which every adult male was to…

Jesus is the True Manna – Exodus 16:1-36

Exodus 16 relates the familiar account of God’s provision of manna for the Israelites to sustain them on their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.  Pastor Dustin draws parallels between this physical “bread from heaven” (Exodus 16:4) and Jesus, the “true bread from heaven” (John 5:32, Whom God provided 1500 years later as our Salvation and Sustenance.  As God tested the…