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"salvation" Tagged Sermons (Page 5)

Hebrews 6:16 – 8:6, This Hope We Have as an Anchor of the Soul

Hebrews 6:16-8:6 In today’s message, the writer of Hebrews encourages his readers – and us – that our unchanging God keeps His promises.  He kept His promise to Abraham that he would bear a son, and He fulfilled the prophetic promise of Psalm 110 to provide a new High Priest after the order of Melchizedek.  This new and eternal High Priest, Jesus, provides the…

Let Us Go on to Perfection – Hebrews 6:1-15

Hebrews 6:1-15. Today’s message covers one of the most often-misunderstood passages in the Bible, verses 1 through 15 of Hebrews Chapter 6.  Pastor Kevin explains how important it is to understand the original audience of this epistle and its historical context in order to properly interpret this passage.  The audience comprised Jews who had professed belief in Jesus but still clung to the religious…

Our Faith is Established in God’s Word, Not Our Experiences – Various Scriptures

In this week’s topical message, Pastor Dustin draws on various accounts from Scripture and experiences from his recent tour of Israel to emphasize that our faith is not based on our experiences, which are temporary and arise from our emotions and temperament, nor on burdensome, religious rituals, but on the unchanging, living, and active Word of God.  Only by being deeply and…

We Must Give the More Earnest Heed – Hebrews 1:9 – 2:4

Pastor Kevin continues our study in Hebrews, showing how Old Testament Scriptures foretold that the prophesied Messiah and the divine Son of God were the same, and that Jesus fulfilled this prophecy.  Using several of these Scriptures, Chapter 1 demonstrates that Jesus is superior to the angels. Chapter 2 begins with a warning.  If the written law given through Moses brought about conviction of…

But You Have Departed from the Way – Malachi 1:9-2:8

In this study, Malachi continues his rebuke of the Priests and Levites who were corrupting the sacrificial system by allowing the people to bring defective animals. God used Malachi to warn them that if they didn’t turn from their wicked ways, He would replace His blessings toward them with cursings. God was challenging anyone to close the doors of the temple until…