Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Sermons on Archives (Page 18)

The Church is Born – Acts 2:23-47

As we conclude our study of Peter’s sermon in Acts 2, we see the apostle’s emphasis on Jesus’ resurrection.  Pastor Kevin points out that the resurrection is an historical fact and one component of our faith that distinguishes biblical Christianity from all other religions.  Quoting from Psalms 16 and 110, Peter then shows how both Jesus’ death and resurrection were foretold by King David…

Then They Were All Amazed and Marveled – Acts 2:5-13

Many of the Jews who had traveled from all over the known world for that first Pentecost following Jesus’ resurrection witnessed God’s miraculous imparting of foreign tongues to His disciples.  As they heard the disciples speak in their own languages, “…they were all amazed and marveled” (Acts 2:7 NKJV).  What happened that day that enabled Jesus’ followers to speak in languages they…