Hebrews 10:1-14 and related Scriptures emphasize that animal sacrifices were insufficient to remove sin and its guilt. In fact, they served as a reminder of sin. Pastor Kevin emphasized that the same is true of any religious system that relies on human effort. As prophesied in Psalm 40, only Jesus’ bodily sacrifice is sufficient to atone for sin completely and forever for those who believe. “But when…
March 26, 2023, S-1533-KL In today’s study, we see how the Old Covenant foreshadowed a new and better covenant, one under which God promised to put His laws, not on tablets of stone, but “in their mind and … on their hearts” (Jeremiah 31:33, quoted in Hebrews 8:10). By shedding His own blood on the cross, Jesus instituted and became the High Priest and mediator…