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Sermons on Archives (Page 5)

We Find No Evil in Paul – But Let’s Kill Him Anyway – Acts 23:9-35

Although the scribes of the Pharisees admit, “We find no evil in this man” (Acts 23:9 NKJV), the dispute among the Pharisees and Sadducees becomes so heated that the Roman commander forcibly removes Paul from the gathering “fearing lest Paul might be pulled to pieces by them” (Acts 9:10 NKJV).  While incarcerated in the barracks, Paul learns about the plot to assassinate…

How to Have a Clear Conscience with God – Acts 23:2-8

Outline and Bible verses for this study are linked below Having declared that he stands before them with a clear conscience before God, Paul begins his defense before the Jewish leaders.  After accepting a rebuke for unwittingly challenging the high priest for commanding him to be struck, Paul then intentionally creates a division among the Pharisees and Sadducees in the crowd by proclaiming…

And Paul said, “But I Was Born a Citizen” – Acts 22:25-23:1

Facing a scourging, Paul claims his right as an uncondemned Roman citizen to be spared this fate, informing the Roman commander, who had purchased his citizenship at high cost, “But I was born a citizen” (Acts 22:28b NKJV).  The next day, the Romans assemble the Jewish leaders and bring Paul before them to discover why the Jews were accusing him.  “Then Paul, looking earnestly at…