Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Sermons on Archives (Page 85)

He Who Does the Will of God Abides Forever, 1 John 2:15-17

In this 8th Corona Virus lock down virtual Bible study, Pastor Kevin continues to list the traits which typify a true Christian, as given by John the Apostle. Pastor Kevin first provides application of last week’s teaching based on a couple emails he received. Then picking up where he left off, Kevin covers the next topic of John’s first epistle which is…

By This We Know that We Know Him, 1 John 2:3-14

In this 7th Corona Virus lockdown virtual Bible study, Pastor Kevin continues to list the traits which typify a true Christian, as given by John the Apostle. John teaches that a true believer keeps God’s commandments and does not hate his or her brother. Using the Old Testament, Pastor Kevin shows that “keeping God’s commandments” does not mean that a person must never…

If We Say We Have Not Sinned, the Truth is Not in Us – 1 John 1:8-2:2

In this 6th Corona Virus lock down virtual Bible study, Pastor Kevin continues to list the traits given by John the Apostle which typify a true Christian.  Last week we read that a true believer walks in the light rather than darkness. This week Pastor Kevin teaches more on light and darkness and then continues with how John adds that a true…

God is Light, and In Him is No Darkness at All – 1 John 1:1-7

In this 5th Corona Virus lockdown virtual Bible study, Pastor Kevin gives a background from the gospel of John chapter 20 and 21, then begins a study in the epistle of 1 John. John was inspired by God to give the church this very important book that would help us to determine whether we have truly received eternal life through faith in…

The Empty Tomb, Are You Mindful Of The Things Of God Or The Things Of Men? Resurrection Sunday 2020

In this 2020 Resurrection Sunday service, Pastor Kevin titles the teaching, “Are you Mindful of the Things of God, or the Things of Man?”  This comes from Jesus’ rebuke of Peter in Matthew 16:22.  The rebuke was necessitated after Jesus had told the disciples that he would be killed and then be raised on the third day.  Peter, only listening to the…