Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Therefore Those Who Were Scattered Went Everywhere Preaching the Word – Acts 8:1-40

In this teaching, we learn how Stephen’s martyrdom began a frenzy of Christian persecution to which God used as a launching pad to spread the Gospel outside the city of Jerusalem to Samaria and Judea.
Persecution divides the church necessarily cutting away the dross and strengthening what is left.  In the fury of persecution in which Saul of Tarsus played a leading role, a fellow Hellenist Christian by the name of Philip, in whom was filled with the Holy Spirit, was sent to Samaria to preach the Gospel and work the gifts of miracles.  During a revival in Samaria the Lord decided to send Philip south to Gaza where he divinely happened upon an Ethiopian eunuch whom was dedicated to the worship of the God of Israel and the searching of the Scriptures. Philip the Evangelist takes full advantage of the inspired situation.
The truth prevails as the Gospel goes forth into Gentile lands and peoples.
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