Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Sermons by Pastor Kevin Lea (Page 20)

For This Very Purpose I Have Raised You Up – Exodus 9:1-17

In today’s passage, we see Pharaoh continue to fight against God through two more plagues that God designed to humble Pharaoh before the all-powerful God of the Israelites.  Like many people today, Pharoah tries to ignore God’s discipline, then tries to bargain with Him, and then ultimately defies Him outright, all to his own and his peoples’ harm.  Using supporting Scriptures, Pastor…

So He Said, “Tomorrow” – Exodus 7:14-8:32

Pharaoh has refused God’s command to let the Israelites worship Him in the wilderness, so God turns the Nile River to blood and then sends successive plagues of frogs, lice, and flies.  Each plague reminded the Egyptians of one of their many gods and revealed the God of the Israelites as more powerful than the false gods they worshipped.  With each plague, Pharaoh initially…

But Pharaoh Will Not Heed You – Exodus 6:9-7:13

Today, we see God again command Moses to confront Pharaoh while Moses again pleads his inadequacy to do so.  Moses asks God, “…and how shall Pharaoh heed me” (Exodus 6:30), and God replies, “But Pharaoh will not heed you” (Exodus 7:4).  Pastor Kevin points to the parallels in the life of the prophet Jeremiah, 800 years later.  In both cases, God assures his servants that He will give…