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"rapture" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

New Year’s Day 2023 Prophecy Update – But You Brethren are Not in Darkness,1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

January 1, 2023 On this New Year’s Day 2023, Pastor Kevin takes a break from our study in Deuteronomy to deliver his annual prophecy update, which focuses this year on how rapidly technological developments and geo-political initiatives are converging to “build” a centralized, universal, surveillance and economic tracking and control system that must be in place to fulfill the Revelation 13 “Mark…

The Love of Jesus – John 13

Today’s topical message by CCPO Elder Dan Prespa focuses on the love of the glorified Jesus as revealed in the Gospel of John, Chapter 13.  Dan also emphasized the truth that Jesus is coming soon to take us to be with Him in the rapture of the church.  Until then, we are to obey Jesus’ words in John 13:34: “A new commandment…

But You Have Departed from the Way – Malachi 1:9-2:8

In this study, Malachi continues his rebuke of the Priests and Levites who were corrupting the sacrificial system by allowing the people to bring defective animals. God used Malachi to warn them that if they didn’t turn from their wicked ways, He would replace His blessings toward them with cursings. God was challenging anyone to close the doors of the temple until…

Whatcha Gonna Do When He Doesn’t Come For You? April 5, 2020

In this teaching, Pastor Kevin asks the curious unbeliever, “Whatcha Gonna Do when He [Jesus] doesn’t Come for You.”  In other words, what is a person to do who misses the Rapture of the church. Kevin starts by going over the scriptures about the church being “caught up” (raptured) to be with God before the judgment of God falls upon the earth. …

Is This the Time the Church Should be Looking Up?

Pastor Kevin covers prophecies from the book of Daniel predicting that there will be a ten-nation global government ruled by the Antichrist in the last days just before Jesus returns to set up His kingdom. We are starting to see articles surrounding the COVID-19 crisis which have world leaders asking for a global government in order to solve global problems. Pastor Kevin then teaches about New Testament prophecies which teach that the church will be taken off of the earth before the global leader can come to power. This study concludes with the thought that if global government is being advocated for the near future, and the Christian Church has to be gone before the global leader (Antichrist) can come to power, then it appears the time is getting close for us to look up for our redemption is drawing near. Maranantha