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"resurrection" Tagged Sermons

Jesus, The Stone Which Was Rejected by the Builders – Acts 4:1-37

In today’s study of Acts Chapter 4, the religious leaders challenge the apostles, “being greatly disturbed that they taught the people and preached in Jesus the resurrection from the dead” (Acts 4:2 NKJV), demanding to know “By what power or by what name have you done this” (Acts 4:7 NKJV)?   Quoting Psalm 118, the Apostle Peter shows that their rejection of Jesus fulfills…

The Church is Born – Acts 2:23-47

As we conclude our study of Peter’s sermon in Acts 2, we see the apostle’s emphasis on Jesus’ resurrection.  Pastor Kevin points out that the resurrection is an historical fact and one component of our faith that distinguishes biblical Christianity from all other religions.  Quoting from Psalms 16 and 110, Peter then shows how both Jesus’ death and resurrection were foretold by King David…

He Presented Himself Alive by Many Infallible Proofs – Acts 3:1-4:22

On this Easter Sunday, a day on which most of the Western church celebrates Jesus’ resurrection, Pastor Kevin reminds us that the essential foundation of biblical Christianity is the historical fact of Jesus’ rising from the grave three days after His crucifixion.  We see in Acts Chapters 3 and 4 and related Scriptures some of the many proofs of the resurrection, with…

Hebrews 11:1-7 – Without Faith it is Impossible to Please God

April 23, 2023 – Today, we begin our study in Hebrews 11, often called God’s “Faith Hall of Fame.”  Building upon the previous (Chapter 10) exhortations to endure in our faith, Chapter 11 goes on to describe the faith that endures.  It is faith in Jesus’ sacrifice for sin, personally appropriated, which comes by hearing and humbly responding to God’s gospel of peace.  Our faith is…

John 11 – Personalizing the Resurrection

April 9, Resurrection Sunday, 2023 John 11 – This Sunday, when most in America are preoccupied with chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs, Pastor Kevin directs our attention to the real reason for today’s celebration – Jesus’ resurrection from the dead nearly 2,000 years ago, and he challenges us to personalize this historical fact for ourselves. His own resurrection was the fourth that…