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"salvation" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

So He Said, “Tomorrow” – Exodus 7:14-8:32

Pharaoh has refused God’s command to let the Israelites worship Him in the wilderness, so God turns the Nile River to blood and then sends successive plagues of frogs, lice, and flies.  Each plague reminded the Egyptians of one of their many gods and revealed the God of the Israelites as more powerful than the false gods they worshipped.  With each plague, Pharaoh initially…

Hebrews 11:1-7 – Without Faith it is Impossible to Please God

April 23, 2023 – Today, we begin our study in Hebrews 11, often called God’s “Faith Hall of Fame.”  Building upon the previous (Chapter 10) exhortations to endure in our faith, Chapter 11 goes on to describe the faith that endures.  It is faith in Jesus’ sacrifice for sin, personally appropriated, which comes by hearing and humbly responding to God’s gospel of peace.  Our faith is…