Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Sermons on Topical (Page 5)

Middle East Update on the Day after the Hamas invasion of Israel – October 8, 2023

Following our morning service in Exodus 13-14 (the Parting of the Red Sea), Pastor Kevin provided the congregation with an hour-long update about the first Israeli declared war since 1973.  This declaration of war was the result of the Hamas invasion of Israel on Saturday, October 7, 2023, which was within a day of being fifty years after the surprise attack against…

The Ten I AM Statements of Jesus – The Gospel of John (Various)

In this topical study, Pastor Dustin draws from the Gospel of John to show how each Jesus’ “I AM” statement proved Jesus’ claim to deity by attributing to Himself characteristics that apply only to God.  Jesus is God! Maranatha! [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”