In this study, Malachi continues his rebuke of the Priests and Levites who were corrupting the sacrificial system by allowing the people to bring defective animals. God used Malachi to warn them that if they didn’t turn from their wicked ways, He would replace His blessings toward them with cursings. God was challenging anyone to close the doors of the temple until the Priests and people repented of their rebellion against God’s law. God then makes a profound prophecy that He would use the Gentile nations who He knew would embrace Him. This prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus came to die for the sins of the whole world, raise from the dead and then send the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, giving birth to the church. But now the church has corrupted their witness by following in the footsteps of the corrupt priests of Malachi’s day. As a result, God will again use the Jews has His witness people after taking the faithful church home and leaving the apostate church to go into the tribulation.