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"Tribulation Period" Tagged Sermons

Prophecy Timeline Update – How Close are we to the Last Days – Topical

Topical study of the prophetic timeline pertaining to the last days Drawing from Daniel Chapters 7 and 9, the Book of Revelation, and other Scriptures, Pastor Kevin reviews what the Bible reveals to us about the last days, including formation of the final world empire and rise of a global leader, the Antichrist.  We see that it has been only within the…

The Jews Build the Tabernacle, Part 3 – Exodus 40:1-38

In this final message of Pastor Kevin’s three-part teaching on God’s instructions for building the tabernacle, we see in Exodus 40 the final assembly of the tabernacle nearly one year after the Israelites departed from Egypt.  Drawing from related passages in both the Old and New Testaments, Pastor Kevin shows how the tabernacle’s physical layout, as well as the purification ceremonies for preparing…

So the People Bowed Their Heads and Worshiped – Exodus 12:14-12:42

In the tenth and final plague, the Lord slew all the firstborn of in the land of Egypt, people and animals, with the exception of the  Israelites and others who obeyed God’s instructions to apply the blood of a blemish-free lamb to the lintel and doorposts of their homes.  Pharaoh, bereft of his own firstborn son, finally humbles himself and gives Moses…

When I See the Blood, I Will Pass Over You – Exodus 10:21-12:13

After eight plagues, Egypt’s flocks, herds, and crops have been decimated, yet Pharaoh refuses to allow the Israelites to leave.  The ninth plague, three days of total darkness, then descends without warning.  Yet again, Pharaoh refuses, and the Lord tells Moses that Pharaoh will finally relent after the next and final judgment, the death of the firstborn.  For those who obey God’s…

How Long Will You Refuse to Humble Yourself? Exodus 9:18-10:20

Pharaoh continues to fight against God through two more plagues of increasing severity, hail and locusts.  Though he demonstrates remorse and pleads for mercy, Pharoah still refuses to humble himself and repent before the Almighty God of the universe.  As the Scriptures reveal, God raised up this hard-hearted man to the powerful position of Pharoah over the mighty Egyptian kingdom in order…