Today, we conclude our study in Hebrews 11, God’s “Faith Hall of Fame,” examining in some detail the lives of Gideon, Barak, and Jephthah. God records their acts of faith – and their moral failings – in the Book of Judges. They, like all the men and women listed in Hebrews 11, faltered at times, but Pastor Kevin reminds us that God saw and rewarded their faith. Chapter 11 concludes by noting that these heroic men and women are just a few of God’s faithful who have persevered through the ages, many of whom suffered greatly and even perished because they refused to disobey God. God calls them people “of whom the world was not worthy” (Hebrews 11:38). Pastor Kevin exhorts believers today to remember these examples, knowing that we too will someday obtain a “better resurrection, (Hebrews 11:35), eternal life with Jesus, “the author and finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2).