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We Do Not Know What Has Become of Him – Exodus 25:1-11; 31:1-32:6

Audio link includes communion message Chapter 25 begins with God’s instructions for constructing a tabernacle as a place of fellowship with Him under the terms of the Old Covenant, which the people have promised to obey.  Pastor Kevin shows from both the Old and New Testament that the tabernacle and later, Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem, comprised both a copy of heavenly things…

Israel Enters into His Covenant – Exodus 24:1-18

In Exodus 24, Moses recites and records in writing all the laws of the preceding chapters, the people promise to obey, and the nation formally enters into the Mosaic Covenant with God through animal sacrifice.  “Moses took the blood, sprinkled it on the people, and said, ‘This is the blood of the covenant which the Lord has made with you according to all these words’” (Exodus 24:8). …