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"Exodus" Tagged Sermons (Page 6)

Let My People Go! Exodus 4:18-5:2

With God’s assurances and his father-in-law Jethro’s permission, Moses journeys back to Egypt, tells the Israelites that God is about to deliver them from slavery, and has his first encounter with Pharoah.  In the actions of Zipporah, Moses’ wife, and in Pharoah’s response to Moses in this passage, we recognize those who, throughout all time, have refused to obey God or identify with…

But the Midwives Feared God – Exodus 1:14-22

Our study continues in Exodus Chapter 1, focusing on the midwives who disobeyed the new pharaoh’s command to murder all newborn Hebrew males and then lied to him about their failure to do so.  Even though lying is a sin, Scripture tells us, “Therefore God dealt well with the midwives … because the midwives feared God…” (Exodus 1:20-21).  Drawing from other examples in Scripture, Pastor Kevin explains…