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"Israel" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

She Judged Him Faithful Who Had Promised – Hebrews 11:11-16

On this Mother’s Day 2023, we continue our study in Hebrews 11 looking at the life of Sarah, Abraham’s wife and one of two women listed in God’s “Faith Hall of Fame.”  Like us, Sarah’s faith faltered at times, and although she and Abraham resorted to human methods to provide a son for Abraham through her handmaiden Hagar, she believed God’s promise…

The Ukraine-Russia Conflict – A Prophetic Look with Q&A Session – February 27, 2022

This topical teaching by Pastor Kevin was given during a Sunday night service on the week that Russian troops entered Ukraine. Pastor Kevin gives the history leading up to this war starting in 1954 when the USSR gave Crimea to Ukraine (also part of the USSR at the time). The western media says that this attack by Russia was unprovoked. Is this…