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"Jews" Tagged Sermons

Prophecy Update 2025 – Part 2 – God’s Promised Protection of the Jews/Israel

In Part 2 of this three-part 2025 prophecy update, Pastor Kevin continues to review “Things we Know” from the prophetic Scriptures that will characterize the last days.  After a brief review of Part 1 in light of amazing developments just from the past week, Part 2 focuses on the increasing antisemitism in the world and even in the church, as the Scriptures foretell.…

Prophecy Update 2023/24, The Importance of Prophecy in Our Day and Who has the Right to the Land of Israel?

On this New Year’s Eve, 31 December 2023, Pastor Kevin reviews current events and their significance in light of Bible prophecy, with focus on the Jewish people and the land of Israel.  Why do we believe the Bible literally?  What prophecies have already been fulfilled, and what must still occur before Jesus returns, according to Scripture?  Based on what we have seen…

An Accurate History – The Roots of Today’s Conflicts between Israel and her Arab Neighbors, Judges 11:12-33

22 October 2023 – In today’s message, Pastor Kevin addresses the now two-week-old war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, stressing the critical importance of having a biblical view of this conflict.  He takes us on a tour of Jewish history from the time of the Exodus to the present day, using biblical, secular, and contemporary sources to demonstrate that, while Jews,…

She Judged Him Faithful Who Had Promised – Hebrews 11:11-16

On this Mother’s Day 2023, we continue our study in Hebrews 11 looking at the life of Sarah, Abraham’s wife and one of two women listed in God’s “Faith Hall of Fame.”  Like us, Sarah’s faith faltered at times, and although she and Abraham resorted to human methods to provide a son for Abraham through her handmaiden Hagar, she believed God’s promise…