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"murder" Tagged Sermons

God’s Laws on Loving Your Neighbor – Exodus 21:20-22:15

In our study today, Pastor Kevin expounds on laws governing a variety of situations likely to occur in ancient Israel, including: physical altercations between people resulting in injury or death; relationships between masters and their slaves; injuries to or caused by one’s animals; theft; and misuse of another’s property.  While the skeptic mocks the Bible, Pastor…

But the Midwives Feared God – Exodus 1:14-22

Our study continues in Exodus Chapter 1, focusing on the midwives who disobeyed the new pharaoh’s command to murder all newborn Hebrew males and then lied to him about their failure to do so.  Even though lying is a sin, Scripture tells us, “Therefore God dealt well with the midwives … because the midwives feared God…” (Exodus 1:20-21).  Drawing from other examples in Scripture, Pastor Kevin explains…