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"Savior" Tagged Sermons

Christmas 2024, Jesus – Do You Know About Him, or Do You KNOW Him? Matthew 1, Luke 2

As we review the familiar Christmas story, Pastor Kevin draws attention to many Old Testament prophecies concerning the first coming of the promised Messiah.  Although the Jews of Jesus’ day knew these Scriptures, they failed to recognize Jesus as Messiah and embrace Him as their Savior.  Since all prophecies of Jesus’ first coming were fulfilled in every detail, we can be confident…

John 11 – Personalizing the Resurrection

April 9, Resurrection Sunday, 2023 John 11 – This Sunday, when most in America are preoccupied with chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs, Pastor Kevin directs our attention to the real reason for today’s celebration – Jesus’ resurrection from the dead nearly 2,000 years ago, and he challenges us to personalize this historical fact for ourselves. His own resurrection was the fourth that…

We Must Give the More Earnest Heed – Hebrews 1:9 – 2:4

Pastor Kevin continues our study in Hebrews, showing how Old Testament Scriptures foretold that the prophesied Messiah and the divine Son of God were the same, and that Jesus fulfilled this prophecy.  Using several of these Scriptures, Chapter 1 demonstrates that Jesus is superior to the angels. Chapter 2 begins with a warning.  If the written law given through Moses brought about conviction of…

Jesus is so Much Better than the Angels – Hebrews 1:1-9

This week, we begin a new study in the New Testament book of Hebrews, which was written by an unknown author shortly before the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in A.D. 70.  Hebrews’ message is that Jesus is superior to any religious system, and a relationship with Him, not religious tradition, was all-important – a message that is just as important today as…