Dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ

Posts by Jane Albright (Page 43)

Resources for Fighting Vaccine Mandates

CCPO provides the resources below for your information and use in combatting the illegal COVID vaccine mandates.  We are not providing legal advice or guaranteeing a successful outcome, especially since we are living in the lawless times about which the Apostle Paul warned us (2 Thessalonians 2:7).  However, we offer these resources, obtained from credible sources, for your consideration as you prayerfully…

COVID Prevention & Treatment Resources

CCPO does not provide medical advice. However, we see our government and medical authorities censoring information about successful COVID treatment and prophylaxis in order push the COVID inoculation as the only alternative to dealing with this disease. These resources are from highly qualified physicians who are risking all to “buck the system” in order to save lives. We provide for your consideration…