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'World Health Organization' Tagged Posts

Biden to Give WHO Control of US Health Freedoms

NEWSMAX By Frank Gaffney May 9, 2024 The Biden administration is stealthily preparing to surrender our sovereign, constitutional republic and the freedoms it guarantees to the World Health Organization’s unaccountable, Marxist director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Ph.D. Think that’s impossible? Think again. If a plan currently being finalized by the WHO is approved at the end of May, Dr. Tedros would become the most powerful…

Population Control and Official USG Policy – Here are the Receipts

Substack: Robert W. Malone MD, MS July 25, 2023 CCPO Note:  In this lengthy but must-read article, Dr. Robert Malone summarizes the work of Gavin DeBecker who has shown that, without dispute, our government has supported the efforts of the globalist elites to eliminate most of the world’s population.  You will recognize most of their “Top Ten” crimes against humanity, listed in…