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'digital identification' Tagged Posts

The process of digitally marking every human is well underway but how many humans are even aware of where this is leading?

Leo’s Newsletter By Leo Hohmann May 21, 2024 Mega-bank JP Morgan gearing up to launch broad biometric payment system that will be made available to all retailers CCPO Note:  As this author notes and other Bible prophecy watchers agree, the accelerating race towards implementation of digital identification / biometric payments systems as discussed in this article will eventually lead to the global…

Biden Creates New ‘Permanent’ Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, Laying Foundation for Second Round of Medical Martial Law

Leo by Leo Hohmann, July 24, 2023 Will Americans be duped again into complying with high-pressure masking, group-think, forced lockdowns, and repeated mRNA jabs? Last week on Friday, July 21, the Biden administration quietly announced the creation of a new permanent office within the White House called the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, or OPPR.   Joe Biden has named a military man, retired…