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'antichrist' Tagged Posts

It’s Time to Ask Ourselves… What Kind of German Would You Have Been in the 30s And 40s?

HARBINGER’S DAILY By Olivier Melnick May 19, 2024 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  The Scriptures tell us that in the last days God will bring His Jewish people back into the promised land of Israel (Ezekiel 36-37).  The Holocaust of WWII was the impetus that drove Jewish survivors to demand the right to return to their God-given ancestral homeland.  The near extermination…

The Two-Minute Warning

By Jan Markell April 30, 2024 Have you ever been betrayed? Maybe you have more than once. Maybe many times. I bet you find it hard to trust anyone now. You see, the Jews didn’t take things seriously in Germany in the 1930s. It wouldn’t get all that bad. They were comfortable and assimilated back then. Whatever was happening would blow…

NEW REPORT: ‘Over 98 Percent’ of World’s Central Banks Gearing Up for New System of Programmable, Trackable ‘Digital Cash’ and 24 Nations Will Have ‘Live CBDCs’ by 2030

All this despite almost zero coverage in the mainstream corporate media to date, most of which still refers to a fully digitized monetary system as ‘conspiracy theory’ By Leo Hohmann, April 26, 2024 CCPO Note:  The worldwide deployment of a new financial system that replaces all cash with a trackable, digital currency is nearly here.  All discerning freedom-lovers recognize the nefarious aims behind such…

Prophetic Foreshocks – Hamas Attack Stirring Jewish Faith Revival in Messiah

  By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz/Israel 365 News, December 29, 2023 Note from Pastor Kevin: Revival is starting, but sadly this current fervor is preparing the Jews to embrace the Antichrist as their messiah because he will promise to bring peace. Likud Member of Knesset Galit Distel-Atbaryan addressed the plenum on Wednesday, and despite self-identifying as non-religious, her address praised the “messianic” manifestations appearing…

Pathway To The Image Of The Beast? Real-Time AI Analysis Could Fulfill Prophecy

Prophecy News Watch December 12, 2023 Google has launched Gemini, a new artificial intelligence (AI) system that can seemingly understand and talk intelligently about almost any kind of prompt – pictures, text, speech, music, computer code and much more. This type of AI system is known as a multimodal model. It’s a step beyond just being able to handle text or images…