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Posts by Jane Albright (Page 6)

Electing A President, Not A Pastor

Gary Randall Ministries / Faith & Freedom October 14, 2024 Charlie Kirk, the founder and president of Turning Point USA,  recently posted on X that “according to new survey data by Georg Barna, only 51% of ‘people of faith’ plan to vote this November.” That means “41 million born-again Christians WILL NOT VOTE,” and “32 million mainline Christians WILL NOT VOTE.” Kirk…

Doctor Raises Alarm over ‘Epidemic’ of Skyrocketing Cancer Cases

SLAY By Frank Bergman September 29, 2024 A renowned American physician is sounding the alarm over skyrocketing numbers of young people being diagnosed with deadly cancers. Dr. Cynthis Yoshida, a professor at the University of Virginia (UVA), warns that this troubling trend has now “become an epidemic.”   Yoshida, who leads UVA’s Health Cancer Center’s Colorectal Cancer Screening Program, is now alerting the…

Whether Through Biden, Harris, or Trump — Digital IDs Are Coming to America

Prophecy News Watch By Derrick Broze/Activist Post September 03, 2024 CCPO Note:  Although written from a pro-illegal immigration perspective, this is yet another article that shows how rapidly our world is marching towards a digital/biometric ID system.  Once in place, the stage will be set for a global central bank digital currency (CBDC) and cashless society of the coming one world government. …