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Global Government

The process of digitally marking every human is well underway but how many humans are even aware of where this is leading?

Leo’s Newsletter By Leo Hohmann May 21, 2024 Mega-bank JP Morgan gearing up to launch broad biometric payment system that will be made available to all retailers CCPO Note:  As this author notes and other Bible prophecy watchers agree, the accelerating race towards implementation of digital identification / biometric payments systems as discussed in this article will eventually lead to the global…

Patrick Wood Explains Link Between Global ‘One Health’ Initiative, Gaia Worship, and Technocracy

By Leo Hohmann May 10, 2024 Some say the coming one-world religion will be Islam. Others say it will be a blended version of the three “Abrahamic” faiths — Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Any of these theories could turn out to be the correct one, but I think Patrick Wood, editor in chief at Technocracy News and Trends, deserves to be heard regarding another…

Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint for Dystopia in Horrific Speech Bill

ZeroHedge By Tyler Durden May 12, 2024 On February 21st, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave a press conference in Edmonton, announcing his government’s decision to introduce the Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63. It was described in Canadian media as a “bill to protect kids” that would stop the “exploitation of children,” and Trudeau’s curt speech focused solely on minors. The scarf-clad PM…

Biden to Give WHO Control of US Health Freedoms

NEWSMAX By Frank Gaffney May 9, 2024 The Biden administration is stealthily preparing to surrender our sovereign, constitutional republic and the freedoms it guarantees to the World Health Organization’s unaccountable, Marxist director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Ph.D. Think that’s impossible? Think again. If a plan currently being finalized by the WHO is approved at the end of May, Dr. Tedros would become the most powerful…

Deep-fake videos are now popping up on the internet, and this will ultimately lead to mandated biometric digital ID for all internet users

LEO HOHMANN March 28, 2024 Advances in artificial intelligence have opened Pandora’s Box for all manner of abuses…Take the challenge and see if you are able to discern the real people from the fake ones. A new AI-generated algorithm is causing quite a stir on social media after a fake ad was posted featuring a hyper-realistic young woman sitting in a car…

Sam Altman’s Eye-Scanning Worldcoin Banned in Spain

Reuters MADRID (Reuters) March 6,  2024 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  These biometric, data-basing technologies are being introduced with the intent to eliminate cash and credit cards.  Citizens of the world will soon be forced to buy and sell using digital currency.  When the globalists establish dominance with their form of central bank digital currency, they will be able to control the…

Some Things I Never Thought I Would See

Some Things I Never Thought I Would See by Jan Markell January 18, 2024 I’m at it again—mulling over the insanity of our day, even though such absurdities were predicted for the last days. I say a dozen times a day, “I never thought I would see the day.” Be honest. You do, too!  Here’s my current list: I never thought I would…

Space: The New Frontier for the Control Grid

Dr. Mercola’s Censored Library (Private Membership) Imagine if globalists could monitor and control your spending and use of resources, not from the ground, but from space. by Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 23, 2023 Story-At-A-Glance Investigative journalist Corey Lynn speaks with James White, Host of NorthWest LibertyNews, about her bombshell report — Space: The New Frontier…