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Biblical Prophecy (Page 4)

Regardless Of What Comes Against Israel, God Will Keep His Solemn Promise to Preserve Them

By Jonathan Brentner October 20, 2023 The carnage left behind by Hamas’ massacre of Israeli citizens and several from other countries shocked and deeply saddened me as I read hundreds of messages and viewed a few pictures of the slain. Because the tragic events of October 7, 2023, involve Israel, prophetic implications from what’s happening in the Middle East will reverberate long…

The Inevitable Consequences of the Alien Invasion

By Bayou Renaissance Man The idle musings of a former military man, former computer geek, medically retired pastor and now full-time writer. Contents guaranteed to offend the politically correct and anal-retentive from time to time. My approach to life is that it should be taken with a large helping of laughter, and sufficient firepower to keep it tamed! September 25, 2023…

TRUTH COPS – Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation

The Intercept Ken Klippenstein, Lee Fang October 31, 2022 CCPO Note of 24 September 2023: The “Twitter Files” reveal the extent to which our government illegally colluded with big tech and social media companies to censor information about effective early treatment strategies for COVID-19 and adverse effects associated with the COVID-19 injection.  This article, published nearly one year ago, exposes our government’s plans…

Seven-Year Plan

SWRC Jonathan Brentner, September 18, 2023 The United Nations recently announced that they need “7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action to Achieve SDGs.” The SDGs are the 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” that the U.N. put in place eight years ago through which they intend to establish a one-world government. Below is a quote from the U.N.’s website regarding the upcoming summit during…

A Fatal Illusion

Our Journey Home – Jonathan Brentner August 4, 2023 It’s been heart-wrenching at times, but now I fear I have become numb to the nonstop drumbeat of disability and death about which I read every week, if not every day.  In the past couple years, I have read hundreds of reports depicting the great suffering and death caused by the COVID injections. Stories…

The Perils of Preterism

Our Journey Home Jonathan Brenter, August 23, 2023 Preterism is one of today’s popular views of the end times; its adherents among church staff continue to rapidly grow in number. Below is a list of its basic beliefs: Nero was the Antichrist. There will be no future individual Antichrist. The Tribulation Period is already over. It occurred when the Roman army besieged…

HPT Prediction Fulfilled! “NASA Asteroid Deflection Test (DART) Accidentally Creates A BOULDER SWARM That Could Impact the Earth with As Much Energy as the Hiroshima Detonation”

Natural News August 11, 2023 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea. As this news article reports, NASA’s impact of the Dimorphos Asteroid in September 2022 created a “boulder storm” in space. While this result was completely unexpected to most astronomers, it came as no surprise to those who understand Dr. Walt Brown’s Hydroplate Theory (HPT) explanation for the origin of asteroids. In fact,…

Almost Everything is Ready for the Third Temple

All Israel News August 8, 2023 Israel’s TV Channel 12 news released an investigative report about the five red heifers that were brought to the Jewish state last September and the supposed “funneling” of government funds to construct the Third Temple.  Israeli journalist Omri Maniv, who has posted to social media multiple times about the red heifers and their meaning, conducted the investigation….  Maniv argued…

Dimensional Deceivers

Terry James Prophecy Line August 7, 2023 The committee member, Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett (R), spoke bluntly: “We’ve been dealing [with government cover-ups] since 1947, probably since about 1897 in what was the Aurora Texas UFO crash.”  He said further, “[Extraterrestrial craft] can travel light years or at the speeds that we’ve seen defy physics as we know it. They can fly…