Blaze Media CHRIS ENLOE JUNE 04, 2024 Last month, the UMC officially adopted pro-LGBT values. In one fell swoop last week, the United Methodist Church lost more than 1 million members. Weeks after the United Methodist Church voted to allow LGBT-practicing clergy and reverse prohibitions on same-sex marriage, the United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast (Eglise Méthodiste Unie Côte d’Ivoire) voted on May 28 to leave the…
PNW By Britt Gillette May 28, 2024 In the aftermath of the pandemic, governments and central banks around the world over stimulated the economy with cash giveaways and ultra low interest rates. In doing so, they created bubbles in multiple asset classes throughout the world. Now, faced with inflation, governments and central banks are trying to crack down and reverse the inflationary…
HARBINGER’S DAILY By Olivier Melnick May 19, 2024 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: The Scriptures tell us that in the last days God will bring His Jewish people back into the promised land of Israel (Ezekiel 36-37). The Holocaust of WWII was the impetus that drove Jewish survivors to demand the right to return to their God-given ancestral homeland. The near extermination…
Leo’s Newsletter By Leo Hohmann May 21, 2024 Mega-bank JP Morgan gearing up to launch broad biometric payment system that will be made available to all retailers CCPO Note: As this author notes and other Bible prophecy watchers agree, the accelerating race towards implementation of digital identification / biometric payments systems as discussed in this article will eventually lead to the global…
HARBINGER’S DAILY By Dean Dwyer May 18, 2024 CCPO Note: Increasing apostasy within the church in our own time is yet another indicator that we are rapidly approaching a time referred to as the seven-year Tribulation Period. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many (Matthew 24:11 NKJV). For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine,…