Given at the 2024 Calvary Chapel Northwest’s Men’s Breakaway, March 9, 2024. MEN’S BREAKAWAY 2024 SESSION 2 TRIM from Calvary Chapel South on Vimeo. Additional Teachings from the Conference Pastor Dan Renner of Calvary Chapel Oak Harbor shares on The Rapture and Second Coming of Christ. (Session 1 of 3) Pastor Jack Arnold of Calvary Mount Si shares from 2 Timothy on The…
LiveScience By Ben Turner March 14, 2024 Depending on where we look, the universe is expanding at different rates. Now, scientists using the James Webb and Hubble space telescopes have confirmed that the observation is not down to a measurement error. Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: The title of this article should be, “The Webb Telescope is Proving the Big Bang Theory to…
Seattle Times By Gene Balk February 29, 2024 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: This is why revival is not in our future. The trend of the American culture is to become more like Sodom and Gomorrah, with no desire among the people to gain knowledge about the God who sent Jesus to save them from sin. Even if they did want to…
Reuters MADRID (Reuters) March 6, 2024 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: These biometric, data-basing technologies are being introduced with the intent to eliminate cash and credit cards. Citizens of the world will soon be forced to buy and sell using digital currency. When the globalists establish dominance with their form of central bank digital currency, they will be able to control the…
Smithsonian Magazine by Will Sullivan, February 28, 2024 Instead of forming a crater, the agency’s intentional DART crash redistributed massive amounts of the asteroid and shot large quantities of rock into space CCPO Note: Once again, scientific findings and actual observations contradict secular theories about asteroids. There is only one theory that adequately explains these findings, the Hydroplate Theory (HPT) of Dr. Walt…