NATURAL NEWS By Ethan Huff, July 10, 2023 CCPO Note: Three years after the so-called pandemic, used to justify the rapid deployment of a so-called vaccine, touted as both safe and effective at preventing COVID-19, evidence clearly shows that the untested experimental gene-altering modified-RNA injection is neither effective nor safe. Yet the elites who run the world continue to do all they…
By Jonathan Brentner, July 5, 2023 The topic of Bible prophecy is more relevant to our lives now than at any other time in the history of the church. It’s never been more vital that churches teach it, and believers understand it. It’s not just the convergence of a host of prophetic signs that make it so, but the existential dangers to…
The Daily Wire By Hank Berrien, July 12, 2023 Note from Pastor Kevin: The parents who have lost their children to traffickers wept at the wickedness of those who voted against this law. God is weeping too, and will judge when His mercy reaches His limit as it did in the days of Judah before Babylon destroyed Jerusalem: Ezekiel 22:3-5 Then say, ‘Thus…
By JD Rucker, July 11, 2023 CCPO Note: Concur with Mr. Rucker’s conclusion: “Children are more vulnerable than they’ve been in modern history. Our judgment is coming and this society deserves the worst of it.” Satanic adoration, whether conscious or subconscious, compels people to see evil as good and good as evil. This is why the divide between the “good guys” and…