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"Exodus" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

God’s Laws on Loving Your Neighbor – Exodus 21:20-22:15

In our study today, Pastor Kevin expounds on laws governing a variety of situations likely to occur in ancient Israel, including: physical altercations between people resulting in injury or death; relationships between masters and their slaves; injuries to or caused by one’s animals; theft; and misuse of another’s property.  While the skeptic mocks the Bible, Pastor…

The LORD is Greater Than All the Gods! – Exodus 18:1-27

In Chapter 18, we see an interaction between Moses and his father-in-law, Jethro, who comes from Midian to meet Moses in the wilderness, bringing Moses’ wife and two sons with him.  Upon hearing of “all the good which the Lord had done for Israel” (Exodus 18:9), Jethro proclaims, “Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the gods” (Exodus 18:11).  Observing Moses’…

God Will Utterly Blot Out Those Who Hate Israel – Exodus 17:8-16

Continuing their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, the Israelites encounter the Amalek people who come out to fight them in Rephidim.  Pastor Kevin shows how the Amalekites and their descendants continued to threaten the Jewish people throughout their history.  They are also a type of all peoples to the present day who are inspired by Satan to hate and strive…

Why Do You Tempt the Lord? Exodus 17:1-7

Having just received God’s miraculous provision of manna in Exodus 16, the Israelites set out on their wilderness journey.  Finding no water at their camp, they quickly complain to Moses (Exodus 17:1) instead of asking God for help.  Moses admonishes the people that their complaints are against God, not himself, replying, “Why do you tempt the Lord” (Exodus 17:2)?  Pastor Kevin draws on the life of…

Jesus is the True Manna – Exodus 16:1-36

Exodus 16 relates the familiar account of God’s provision of manna for the Israelites to sustain them on their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.  Pastor Dustin draws parallels between this physical “bread from heaven” (Exodus 16:4) and Jesus, the “true bread from heaven” (John 5:32, Whom God provided 1500 years later as our Salvation and Sustenance.  As God tested the…

The Jews Praise God for Their Deliverance from the Egyptians – Exodus 15:1-27

Exodus 15 begins with the Israelites singing songs of praise to the Lord for their miraculous deliverance them from slavery in Egypt and concludes, three days later, with these same people complaining to Moses about the lack of drinking water.  The bitter waters of Marah was the third of God’s ten wilderness tests, all designed to train the Israelites to trust Him…

So the People Bowed Their Heads and Worshiped – Exodus 12:14-12:42

In the tenth and final plague, the Lord slew all the firstborn of in the land of Egypt, people and animals, with the exception of the  Israelites and others who obeyed God’s instructions to apply the blood of a blemish-free lamb to the lintel and doorposts of their homes.  Pharaoh, bereft of his own firstborn son, finally humbles himself and gives Moses…

When I See the Blood, I Will Pass Over You – Exodus 10:21-12:13

After eight plagues, Egypt’s flocks, herds, and crops have been decimated, yet Pharaoh refuses to allow the Israelites to leave.  The ninth plague, three days of total darkness, then descends without warning.  Yet again, Pharaoh refuses, and the Lord tells Moses that Pharaoh will finally relent after the next and final judgment, the death of the firstborn.  For those who obey God’s…