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'deception' Tagged Posts

Paula White

Monergism Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  Providing this handout in order for people to discern who Paula White is, especially since President Trump just appointed her to the White House Faith Office. Paula White is an American televangelist, author, and self-proclaimed pastor whose ministry has been defined by her promotion of prosperity theology, extra-biblical revelations, and doctrinal distortions. She is a leading…


Understand the Times Commentary by Roger Oakland The Bible calls Satan the great deceiver. To be deceived means to be led away from the truth without knowing it. If the person being deceived knew they were being deceived, then deception would not have occurred. One must believe that one is not deceived in order to be deceived. It is just that simple.…

A Fatal Illusion

Our Journey Home – Jonathan Brentner August 4, 2023 It’s been heart-wrenching at times, but now I fear I have become numb to the nonstop drumbeat of disability and death about which I read every week, if not every day.  In the past couple years, I have read hundreds of reports depicting the great suffering and death caused by the COVID injections. Stories…