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'famine' Tagged Posts

Don’t Think Egg Shortage is Coincidence

Billionaire Businessmen and Their Buddies in Politics Are Seizing the Opportunity to Force-Feed Their Unhealthy Factory Food By Leo Hohmann By February 10, 2025 CCPO Note:  The Bible warns us that famine, inflation, and disease will typify the last days: “When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, ‘Come and see.’ So I looked, and behold, a black horse,…

Population Control and Official USG Policy – Here are the Receipts

Substack: Robert W. Malone MD, MS July 25, 2023 CCPO Note:  In this lengthy but must-read article, Dr. Robert Malone summarizes the work of Gavin DeBecker who has shown that, without dispute, our government has supported the efforts of the globalist elites to eliminate most of the world’s population.  You will recognize most of their “Top Ten” crimes against humanity, listed in…