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'Gog Magog' Tagged Posts

Time Running Out: What We Know About How Israel Could Strike Iran

Israel HAYOM By Ariel Kahana March 6, 2025 CCPO Note: An Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities appears imminent.  If it occurs, could this trigger other conflicts that would fulfill one or more as yet unfulfilled Bible prophecies, including the destruction of Damascus (Isaiah 17); regions now occupied by southwest Iran (formerly Elam), Syria, and Jordan (Jeremiah 49); Egypt (Isaiah 19); and Israel’s near…

Middle East War Could Be Trigger for Much Larger Energy War

PROPHECY NEWS WATCH By Brandon Smith/Activist Post August 06, 2024 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  As this article reports, we are dangerously close to a major Middle East war involving Israel, the center of God’s prophetic plan.  Could this lead to fulfillment of one or more Bible prophecies about wars that are still future to us including the destruction of Damascus (Isaiah…