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'One World Religion' Tagged Posts

Techno-Religion Will Snare the Unbeliever

We are reaching an era when people will seek salvation in silicon and lines of code. By Joe Allen, The American Spectator April 16, 2024 CCPO Note: We see artificial intelligence quickly affecting nearly every aspect of our lives. Bible prophecy watchers see how AI tools can become an essential component of the coming digital surveillance system described in Revelation 13.  This…

A Globalism of Ideas – Inside the UN’s “Pact for the Future”

offGUARDIAN By Kit Knightly September 25, 2024 The United Nation’s Summit of the Future is over. The “great and good” of global leadership got together for four days in New York for what their website called…” a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine the multilateral system and steer humanity on a new course.”  …which sounds just lovely and not at all creepy and hubristic. The…