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'UN' Tagged Posts

Why The Current UN Agenda for Israel and Jerusalem Is Prophetically Significant

Harbinger’s Daily By Jonathan Brentner February 23, 2025 Unlike any other time in the church age, we see a multitude of signs telling us that the Tribulation period is rapidly approaching. However, like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle scattered about on a tabletop, we don’t yet fully recognize how they will all fit together to complete the biblical picture of the end…

Tyranny of the Global Government is Here Whether You See It or Not

By Ileana Johnson October 29, 2024 CCPO Note: Daniel and Revelation foretell a last day’s world government comprising ten-nation super-states, which will ultimately be ruled over by the antichrist.  As this article reports, we are seeing this prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes.  It asks, “Is it too late to salvage our Constitutional Republic from the assault of foreign nationals and corrupt…

Population Control and Official USG Policy – Here are the Receipts

Substack: Robert W. Malone MD, MS July 25, 2023 CCPO Note:  In this lengthy but must-read article, Dr. Robert Malone summarizes the work of Gavin DeBecker who has shown that, without dispute, our government has supported the efforts of the globalist elites to eliminate most of the world’s population.  You will recognize most of their “Top Ten” crimes against humanity, listed in…

Is The UN’s Proposed Seven-Year Plan Prophetically Significant?

Harbinger’s Daily – Jonathan Brentner, June 28, 2023 The UN recently announced that they need “7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action to Achieve SDGs.” The SDGs are the seventeen “Sustainable Development Goals” that the UN put in place eight years ago through which they intend to establish a one-world government.  Below is a quote from the UN’s website regarding the upcoming summit…