CCPO Note: An Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities appears imminent. If it occurs, could this trigger other conflicts that would fulfill one or more as yet unfulfilled Bible prophecies, including the destruction of Damascus (Isaiah 17); regions now occupied by southwest Iran (formerly Elam), Syria, and Jordan (Jeremiah 49); Egypt (Isaiah 19); and Israel’s near neighbors (Psalm 83); and finally, the Gog-Magog War involving Russia and her allies including Turkey and Iran (Ezekiel 38‑29)? Regardless, we see world events accelerating to the time when the world will cry for “peace and security,” setting the stage for “confirming the covenant” of Daniel 9 and initiating the seven-year Tribulation period. We know that God removes His church in the Rapture prior to the Tribulation Period. However, it is possible that believers will be here to witness some of the preceding conflicts. While we cannot be dogmatic about the specific sequence of these ancient prophecies, we are now watching geopolitical events rapidly converging to set the stage for their fulfillment. Along with many other signs of the end times, we know that Jesus’ return is near. Are you ready? If you are unsure, please see “’Normal’ isn't coming back, Jesus is” ( or contact us (
“History won’t end after a strike on Iran,” says a foreign diplomat. His brief statement effectively summarizes numerous discussions and complex dilemmas faced by many people in multiple countries right now. On one hand, action against Iran isn’t a question of if, simply because no other option remains. On the other hand, we’re not talking about one bombing run and we’re done, as the military challenge is substantial with implications and effects far beyond a localized confrontation between Israel and Iran.
Let’s start with the conclusion: Very little time remains to address Iran’s nuclear program. The Islamic Republic is placing its underground nuclear infrastructure so deep that even the American bunker-busting bomb will eventually be unable to penetrate it. “It will be so deep that conventional weapons won’t be able to do the job,” in the diplomat’s words.