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Why You Should Be Paying Attention to America’s Quiet War on Cash

By Shaun Bradley –

September 14, 2016

 A new war on cash is being waged that threatens freedom in a more subversive way than ever before.

Banks and governments around the world are cracking down on the use of paper money, and in turn, eliminating any anonymity left in the current system. Through strict rules on cash transactions and civil asset forfeiture laws, for example, the system has already instituted penalties for using cash.

But as payments evolve into a purely digital network, the consequences of this new paradigm are being brought into the spotlight.

The ability to track, record, and mediate transactions of all individuals is a power dictators throughout history could have only dreamed of. Those who value privacy are turning to alternatives like cash, cryptocurrencies, and precious metals, but these directly threaten central bank dominance.

This ongoing tug-of-war in financial innovation will determine whether we enter an age of individual empowerment or centralized enslavement.

As mundane as it may seem, the main reason for this push to go cashless is directly tied to what world central banks are doing to prop up their economies. The manipulation of interests rates to zero or even negative has left central banks no ammunition to fight off the next recession.

Without the ability to cut interest rates even further, stimulating economic growth is nearly impossible.

The decisions made in response to the 2008 crisis have led to a perverted environment in which customers could be charged just for holding money in their accounts.

As long as individuals have the ability to move their funds into paper currency and escape the losses, banks are still limited to how far they can push the envelope.

Regardless, the federal government continues to pressure banks into issuing “Suspicious Activity Reports” for withdrawals of even as little as $5,000. That amount will undoubtedly decrease if and when more people resort to stuffing cash under their mattresses.

Kenneth Rogoff, the former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, noted in a recent paper how a cashless world would expand banks’ options:

“In principle, cutting interest rates below zero ought to stimulate consumption and investment in the same way as normal monetary policy, by encouraging borrowing. Unfortunately, the existence of cash gums up the works. If you are a saver, you will simply withdraw your funds, turning them into cash, rather than watch them shrink too rapidly.

Enormous sums might be withdrawn to avoid these losses, which could make it difficult for

To read this article in its entirety, go to:

Note from Pastor Kevin Lea: Biblical prophecy clearly teaches that a coming global leader (antichrist) will be able to control the buying and selling of everyone on the planet (Rev 13).  This has never been possible in the past because for thousands of years people have been able to barter and exchange cash, animals, precious metals etc. autonomously.  Now world leaders and bankers are trying to get rid of cash which will then allow them to monitor all digital financial activity on the planet by using computers to track all transactions.  When this happens, bartering and exchanging of tangible assets will also become less viable and autonomous because the world government will be able to notice that people are still alive but are “off the grid” financially.  They will know that the person must be bartering or using gold, silver or other “horded” goods to survive.  Then a friendly knock on the door by helpful government agents will follow.

 All this to say that we are witnessing the early days of changing world events which will ultimately lead to the ushering in of the kingdom of the antichrist, and the associated tribulation period that Jesus, the prophets, and the apostles warned about.  Although it will take several more years before the world government can form to the point of having total economic control of the people, we can now see how this control is possible. 

In the mean time, we should be seeking God on what to do with our cash assets in light of recent developments which seem to indicate that the global collapse of fiat currencies is immanent.  Jesus promised to give His children wisdom if we seek and ask for it (James 1).  Even if events escalate to the point where people lose everything, then it will only remind us of another teaching of Jesus:

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.   Matt 6:19-21  NKJV


I pray the reader is properly invested with treasures in heaven.