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Posts from December 2015

Motive? Pro-Israel, Conservative Co-Worker Told Farook Islam Not a Peaceful Religion

Wednesday’s mass-murderer had recently argued with one of the victims, a pro-Israel conservative, insisting that Islam is a peaceful religion.   By: Lori Lowenthal Marcus December 4th, 2015 Nicholas Thalasinos (L), one of the victims of the San Bernardino massacre, had argued with Farook about Islam not being a peaceful religion. Photo Credit: Facebook Well here’s a possible motive: a strongly…

Why Ezekiel 38 is Not a Now Prophecy

Why Ezekiel 38 is Not a Now Prophecy By Bill Salus December 2, 2015 Note from Pastor Kevin Lea:  I couldn’t agree more with Bill Salus’ analysis of these very important prophecies. Current Middle East events suggest that the 2600 year old prophecy of Ezekiel 38 is about to happen. Russia’s military intervention into Syria in September of 2015 strongly reinforced this…