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Posts from 2015 (Page 6)

Australia to Launch National Facial Recognition Matching System In 2016

By Justin Lee August 27, 2015 A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. The Australian government is expected to roll out a new biometric system next year that will allow law enforcement agencies to share facial images amongst themselves, according to a report by ZDNet. The facial recognition system will deploy a one-to-one matching functionality to confirm identities of…

Americas Eerie Parallels to Downfall of Rome

by Bill Federer The fall of Rome was a culmination of several external and internal factors. Great Wall of China By 220 A.D., the Later Eastern Han Dynasty had extended sections of the Great Wall of China along its Mongolian border. This resulted in the Northern Huns attacking west instead of east. This caused a domino effect of tribes migrating west across…

The Boldest Prediction yet for September 2015

The unprecedented volatility and tremendous upswings and downswings we are seeing right now is a reflection of the fundamental systemic imbalances that we have been warning about for years now… August 29 2015, By James Corbett A note from Pastor Kevin Lea follows this article. Alright, can we make a deal? If the world doesn’t actually end on September 23rd can everyone…

Let the Left-Wing Indoctrination Begin

Tuesday, September 1, 2015 Todd Starnes – Guest Columnist It’s no secret that our nation’s public universities want to transform American young people into a bunch of hyper-sensitive, intellectually-neutered cream puffs. But now – they’re trying to deconstruct gender identity by parsing pronouns. Across the fruited plain, institutions of higher education are turning their taxpayer-funded fiefdoms into gender-neutral zones where free thought…

The South-Pointing Carriage

1 Samuel 17:22 “And David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage, and ran into the army, and came and saluted his brethren.” Numerous Chinese legends refer to a mysterious carriage on which a mechanical rider rode. Its arm was outstretched and continuously pointed south no matter which way the carriage turned. How did it accomplish such…

The New Apostolic Reformation: Influence and Teachings

By Holly Pivec   A heterodox movement in Protestant Christianity known as the “New Apostolic Reformation1” (NAR) — also known as the “apostolic-prophetic movement” — gained vast influence among Pentecostal and charismatic churches worldwide, beginning in the late 1990s. The people who are part of this burgeoning movement follow present-day apostles and prophets who claim to govern the church and give new…

The Christian Purge Has Begun: Chaplains Banned From Preaching That Homosexuality Is a Sin

By Todd Starnes Published August 11, 2015   It wasn’t so much a choice as it was a demand. Chaplain David Wells was told he could either sign a state-mandated document promising to never tell inmates that homosexuality is “sinful” or else the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice would revoke his credentials. “We could not sign that paper,” Chaplain Wells told me…

Pathway to Apostasy

Commentary by Roger Oakland Recently, I was contacted by a friend and colleague who also has a discernment ministry. He was surveying other discernment ministries in order to come up with a list of the top ten subtle ways the body of Christ is presently being led astray. As I was busy speaking at a conference at the time I received…